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The search

That is right. The search is on.

I need a new job and I need one now.

I started working in retail as a way of getting my own independence. A.K.A money. I was 17 when I solidified myself as a Toys R Us kid, but there is only so much a zero hour contract could offer you and a few years later moved on to The Co-op. The first thing you realise when you work in retail is that everyone has a degree, or working towards one. Media, photography, art, music, gaming. You name it someone has it. Or at least when it comes to a creative field they do.

It's a sad story, (one I include myself in) of steady income, being comfortable and a "useless degree".

Graduation Photo... take a guess which one is me.

I have been fortunate enough to have managed some freelance work over the years, mainly in the form of Beadie Productions.

All of this is before I actually do any of the work I want to do. It takes time and effort. For the most part my emails get ignored; my website requires daily updates, I don't have time for and news letters often feel impersonal to make. And don't get me started on trying to find the time to write out all the blogs I have ideas for. But sometimes... I get a response and all that work paid off and I get the feeling that its all going to work out, the work is worth it.

It gets to a certain point when you realize that the only thing holding you back is yourself. It is a long possibly miserable and incredibly far away point that you build up the courage to take any real steps forward.

I have met some amazing people while working in retail, even a friend for life. But I refuse to be a lost soul. I have told my co-workers I've started searching. I've gained the courage to apply to jobs in my fields and in my field only. something that I have always been terrified to do. It has taken me a long while to get to this point and with a lot of contributions, good and bad. But I'm here and I'm waiting to see my next step. ...

Harriet Finch

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