Over the past few Months you may have noticed a great many changes to The Beadie Productions Website and there are more to come. This is because I have decided that Beadie Productions deserves an updated look. With the prospects of working on Beadie Productions full time (final aim) I think it should be shown a bit more love, so I have been throwing all of my effort to create the business I want it to be. In the Future I am planning to add a lot more to the website. The one thing I am determined to get done is to set up suitable payment plans, this would mean my clients would have the option to break down their payments in to something more manageable and kinder on the wallet.
I am also hoping to add a price list. I of course am able to give out quotes but I believe it is easier for everyone when you are able to see what you could potentially be paying.
Clarity and ease If my number one Aim and priority of my website and the services I offer. So I encourage you all to sends me your feedback and any issues you come across. This will help me make the website the best it can be.
As Much as I love my logo, it has started to feel a little dated. After Much deliberation and quotes I ended up creating the new logo myself; using Adobe stock and illustrator. I didn't want to lose the colourful element of my logo and I wanted to make it clear what it is I'm offering, without being overly wordy. I have made my logo both simple and self explanatory. While still keeping my colours. I think making the choice to create the logo myself was the best choice and it has helped me bond with it a lot more. So without rambling on too much. I Introduce The New Beadie Productions Logo!
Please share and comment what you think, Below in the comments.
This Blog Post was writing and Published by Harriet Finch. Founder Of Beadie Productions.